Supplementary Card Information eForm 

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Primary Credit Card Information

(Fill with last 6 digits Primary Credit Card Number)

Supplementary Credit Card Information

E-KTP (For WNI)/ Passport (For WNA)

(Fill with last 6 digits Supplementary Credit Card Number)

(if others)

Note: if Housewife, and Retiree please write NA

Note: if Housewife, and Retiree please write NA

Note: if Housewife, and Retiree please choose others

(if others) Note: if Housewife, and Retiree please write NA


  • I agree to provide UOBI with my personal data for the purpose of updating my personal details for my Supplementary Credit Card.
  • I hereby declare that the information provided above is correct and true.

Kindly upload E-KTP (for WNI) / Passport & KITAS (for WNA)

*This process is mandatory to ensure your Supplementary Credit Card can be used.
*File Extension that can be uploaded is JPG, JPEG, PNG and PDF with maximum size 900kb.

Bank UOB Indonesia berizin dan diawasi oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan dan Bank Indonesia.
Kantor Pusat UOB Indonesia : UOB Plaza, Jl M.H. Thamrin No. 10 Jakarta Pusat 10230